Kokiro Wiki

Klear is often in a hurry.

Klear Ishrian is a human living somewhere in the vicinity of Coyote.

Klear appears to have no particular moral code or responsibility, having been complicit in imprisoning Kit Farren (and at the same time, according to his claims, blinding people on an apparently frequent basis), as well as the destruction of a tailimin warren. She works closely with William Tulan, though she is not a Kujian herself, and also appears to have a relationship of some kind with the mysterious creature known to fans as Creepkiro.

Though human, Klear appears to know a surprising amount about the Kokirins-- far from dismissing them as one of Ui's myths, she knows their individual names and details to the point where she can successfully use the prospect of harm towards the most vulnerable one, Nizarah, as a threat against Mitori, the most likely Kokirin to give in to such a threat. She is also the de facto leader of the Coyote Neighbourhood Watch, making her a dangerous opponent to tangle with.

It is not currently known how or whether Klear is connected with Cody Ishrian. She is, however, mentioned as being related to a famous Uian general, whose name is still unknown.
